Boxing vs MMA – Which Is Better In A Street Fight?

Boxing vs MMA – Which Is Better In A Street Fight?

I think the vast majority of combat sports specialists will agree that Mixed Martial Arts is the purest form of unarmed combat. However, street fighting isn’t a fair or regulated match. It’s sporadic, unexpected, and often occurs in awkward situations. I’d also like to make it clear that there is no better method of self-defense…

Is Boxing Real Or Fake?

Is Boxing Real Or Fake?

No, unlike the WWE, professional boxing isn’t staged or fake. The two boxers are genuinely fighting under the Marquess of Queensbury Rules. This means there are some regulations on what is or isn’t permissible during the bout. However, the fights aren’t scripted or rehearsed, the fighters are actually fighting and actively trying to hurt their…

Is Boxing Unethical – Detailed Breakdown

Is Boxing Unethical – Detailed Breakdown

The answer to the question fundamentally depends on whether boxing produces more ethically positive outcomes rather than negative. However, with morals being subjective, there is no tangible way to measure the effects of a sport like boxing on society at large. Both sides of the argument have equally valid points so people’s opinions will often…

Does Boxing Increase Testosterone – Explained

Does Boxing Increase Testosterone – Explained

I think people often make the stereotype that boxers are violent or aggressive people by nature. It’s then easy to make the connection between physical aggression and testosterone. As there have been numerous studies suggesting a correlation between testosterone and aggression, many people assume that boxers have high testosterone. So this beckons the question, does…